Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I'm about 30 minutes away from going on my run and I found this video.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Obsession Of The Day: Poker

It's my day off and all I want to do is drive a Infiniti G35 Coupe and play Poker.

Believe it's going to happen right now after I press this "Publish Post" button!


"If you haven't spotted your sucker in the first 30 minutes.. You are the sucker." -Matt Damon "Rounders"

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Why Style Matters: Ozwald Boateng

This documentary was created to see through the eye of Ozwald Boateng, a London born tailor who is credited with revolutionizing Savile Row and bringing the first catwalk to Paris. A friend of mine put me on to this, so if you have the time. Please enjoy it in its entirety.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Going back Cali..

I'm going going, back back, to Cali Cali!

And I'm more then excited about it cause I'm going to LA with my sister. I've never been to LA, I was born in Fremont, that is the northern parts of the west coast state but I have some cousins that live down there so this should be great. It's interesting every time I think about it cause I really don't know what to expect? I mean, you see LA on TV and everywhere but you never really get to see what it's like. My cousins say it's great and I hope it is and more cause that's where my sister and I will be moving if it is.

Atlanta is a nice place, nice people, very open (I mean the area) and cost friendly as opposed to New York and California. Actually a majority of people I meet here aren't even from Atlanta, most of them are coming from New York, DC, Chicago and all over the eastern side. It's pretty funny when it comes down to it.

People love it!

I on the other hand, after 14 years (15 in August) have been worn down. The slow moving and comfortable laybackness has taken it's toll. The same people and places where nothing is happening has bored out and I don't really consider Atlanta to be a place of Style. A person like me who walks around in a suit and tie on the weekend seems to be some kind of alien. I laughed loudly just now at a moment I had a couple weeks ago in a store with a young lady when she asked, "You look so nice, what is the occasion you are so dressed up for?" I told it was my day off and her jaw went through the floor. My tailor thinks all men should dress like me and though that is flattering. I just want men to dress stylishly comfortable with an understanding of tailoring with fit and proportion without spending hundreds of dollars. Thats another topic though.

Atlanta is caught up in it own bubble. It's just talking.. talking.. talking.. and more talking. Not saying that LA won't have this or won't be the same, but I guess I just need a little more speed in my tempo and people with a little more tailoring. I've made a good foundation here and friends, but would you ignore when something more is out there for you?

Really I don't care anymore and I'm ready to leave.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Darker Depths...

Something about Black and White with grey in photo's that just gets to me.

I've never really been a person that dealt with an array of colors, maybe a splash here and there but I always just go back to these colors. I don't see a problem with it, I guess its part of who I am or how I see things.

Is that weird?

Friday, March 12, 2010


I for the past few weeks i've had "Walking Pneumonia" and have been all sorts of tired and weak to even feel like posting before or after work.

I hope your not mad at me. Thanks!